A unique and intelligent way to save on daily shopping, learn about new food stores near home and help them reduce food waste.Take advantage of the opportunities you find only on our app: the food that is likely to remain unsold right next to you, you find it on offer at special last minute prices on the app!You save, the shopkeepers dont throw away the products and the Planet thanks!What are you waiting for?A notification will immediately inform you of the current offer and you will be able to know in real time where the products on offer are (minimum discount 40%) near you.Thanks to LastMinuteSottoCasa you are informed by retailers when they have food surpluses available to buy often at half price.In this way you avoid wasting food: your shopkeepers will be happy not to have to throw away their precious products and you save, helping small and medium distribution: you also help save the tons of food that every day from the destruction they are thrown away.Download LastMinuteSottoCasa and you too become a food saver, the Planet will be grateful to you!